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A working meeting of the ACC coordinators took place on March 12.
The aim of the meeting was to plan joint events in 2025 and the agenda for the upcoming BIP project in May.

In January 2025, representatives of the Technical University of Dresden (TUD) and Technical university of Liberec (TUL) met in Liberec. They intensively discussed the possibilities of extension of a long-term strategic cooperation in the field of education and research between TUD and TUL. A long-term partnership has been going through joint projects such as Interreg, in the field of education BIPs, Erasmus+ mobilities, double degree programme etc.Both universities have also been organizing common conferences, workshops and develop research topics. This meeting created space for new opportunities and formats of cooperation, bringing our universities even closer to innovation and excellence.

(c) ACC - The Academic Coordination Centre in Euroregion Nisa

The project was cofinanced from the ERDF via the Euroregion Nisa.
The Fund of microprojects within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes 2007-2013 Priority 3 (CR-Poland) in the Euroregion Nisa CZ.3.22/3.3.01/09.01212