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The ACC JOURNAL is an international scientific journal which came into existence in 2009. It is published by the Technical University of Liberec. Four universities joined in the Academic Coordination Centre Nisa (ACC) participate in its production. There are usually three issues per year.

The ACC JOURNAL is a periodical publishing original reviewed scientific papers, scientific studies, papers presented at conferences and summaries of findings of research project findings. The first issue contains contributions focused on natural sciences and technology, the second one is focused on the science of economics and the thrie third on social sciences.

ACC JOURNAL is a reviewed one. It is building upon the tradition of the "Scientific Treaties" published between 1995 and 2008. The journal is registered in international databases INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL, ERIH PLUS, ROAD Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources and DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals.

The National Technical University in Prague allocated to the ACC Journal the following numbers: ISSN 1803-9782 (in the printed form), ISSN 1803-9790 (CD-ROM form) and ISSN 2571-0613 (Online).

Online access

Contact information

Akademické koordinační středisko v ERN (ACC)
Redakce časopisu ACC JOURNAL
Studentská 1402/2
461 17 Liberec 1 
Tel.:+420 485 354 232 

Published by the:
Technická univerzita v Liberci
Studentská 1402/2, CZ - 461 17 Liberec 1 
IČO 46747885 | DIČ CZ 46 747 885
in cooperation with Sciendo - De Gruyter Poland Sp. z o.o., Bogumiła Zuga 32A, 01-811 Warszawa, Poland

Archiving policy
The authors of articles published in ACC JOURNAL are allowed to keep an archived version before printing. Under the Act no. 46/2000 Coll., the printed version of the journal is archived in the National Library of the Czech Republic and in regional libraries in the Czech Republic. Digital archiving is provided by the University Library of the Technical University of Liberec through DSpace repository.
Orders and subscriptions are accepted by the editorial office. The subscription fee is 1250 Czech crowns a year (50 €). You can purchase back issus while stocks last (one issue at 350 Czech crowns a piece).

Guidelines / Instructions for contributors

The ACC JOURNAL is an international scientific journal which came into existence in 2009. It is published by the Technical University of Liberec. Four universities joined in the Academic Coordination Centre Nisa (ACC) participate in its production. There are usually three issues per year.

The ACC JOURNAL is a periodical publishing original reviewed scientific papers, scientific studies, papers presented at conferences and summaries of findings of research projects. The first issue contains contributions focused on natural sciences and technology, the second one is focused on the science of economics, and the third one on social sciences.

ACC JOURNAL is a reviewed one. It is building upon the tradition of the "Scientific Treaties" published between 1995 and 2008. The ACC JOURNAL has been indexed in the database of the Research, Development and Innovation Council since 2015 - list of reviewed non-impact journals published in the Czech Republic.


Submitted papers are to be written in English with German, Polish and Czech abstracts, except for contributions on social sciences, which can be written in one of the Euroregional languages with abstracts in the three remaining languages. The author is responsible for the originality alongside the professional and formal correctness of the article.

Statement of Originality

When submitting a contribution for publication in the ACC Journal, the author will enclose a statement confirming that the text is an original article which has not been submitted for publication to any other publisher. The text of the statement can be downloaded in DOCX format.


The articles are published as Open Access. All articles are freely available to read, download, copy and print. If the author of the article inserts any materials which do not have a copyright, they must obtain (on their own) a written permission from the copyright owner before publishing the article in the magazine. The author publishing in ACC JOURNAL grants the magazine a license to publish the article at the very time when the contribution is accepted, based on the recommendation of the review process. 
Downloading articles from ACC JOURNAL is permitted for non-commercial purposes. For commercial use, permission from the editor is requested.

The publisher applies the license CC BY-NC 4.0. The author of the article is the copyright owner and guarantees the journal´s publisher rights to the article in terms of the license CC BY-NC 4.0.

Instructions for Authors

The template of the article can be downloaded in DOCX or LaTEX format. In the case of the author not complying with the instructions, the editors reserve the right to return the article for readjustment.

Articles can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Original research articles,
  2. Systematic Literary Research, e.g. review studies, etc.,
  3. Excellent Dissertations,
  4. Essays (only Issue C, Social Sciences).

Papers published in the category 1. must contain the following parts:

  • Introduction (see the template) which must contain the review of already published research regarding the presented topic together with references to literature, and may contain e.g. information about the research team, the origin of the research, etc.,
  • Research Objectives or Research Subject as a separate chapter,
  • Research Methods as s separate chapter,
  • Conclusion (see the template).

Parts required in both a) and b) categories of the papers are stated in our template.


Authors are not expected to pay a publication charge.

Review of the Papers

The international editorial board will decide for or against publishing the article on the basis of two independent reviews written by members of the Scientific Panel comprised of the ACC JOURNAL team of reviewers. The review process is double-blind (double blind peer review) and they always work for another institution than the author/s. The author will be informed about the editorial board's decision in writing.

Submitting Articles

Articles in the DOCX format are to be sent electronically to: 

Deadlines for Submission of Articles

  • 31 March. Issue A, Natural Sciences and Technology,
  • 15 June. Issue B, Science of Economics,
  • 31 October. Issue C, Social Sciences.

This up-to-date information and the Guidelines for the Authors come into force on January 1, 2015 for the number 1/2015, Issue A, Natural Sciences and Technology.

Editorial office

Editor in Chief:
 prof. Dr. Ing. Petr Lenfeld  | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |

Assistant editor of Chief:
 prof. Ing.  Miroslav Žižka, Ph.D. | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics | 

Executive Editor:
 PaedDr. Helena Neumannová, Ph. D. | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics |

Technical Editor:
 Ing. Dana Nejedlová, Ph. D. | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics | 

Scientific Editor:
ar Mgr. Anastasiia Mazurchenko, Ph. D. | Technická univerzita v Liberci, Ekonomická fakulta |

Editorial Board

prof. Dr. Ing. Petr Lenfeld  | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
prof. Ing.  Miroslav Žižka, Ph.D. | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics | 
PaedDr. Helena Neumannová, Ph. D. | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics |
doc. Ing. Petr Červa, Ph.D. | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies |
doc. PaedDr. Hana Andrášová, Ph.D. | University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Education |  
Ing. Jiří Chaloupek, Ph.D. | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education | 
prof. PhDr. Tomáš Kasper, Ph.D. | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education | 
prof. Ing. Iva Petríková, Ph.D. | Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Plevný | University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Economics | 
PD Dr. rer. pol. habil. Eckhard Burkatzki | TUD Dresden University of Technology/IHI Zittau, Business Management, esp. Responsible Management |
Prof. Dr. - Ing. Frank Hentschel | Zittau / Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Prof. Dr. phil. PhDr. (MU Brno) Annette Muschner | Zittau / Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies |
dr hab. Piotr Gryszel, prof. UEW | Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Branch in Jelenia Góra, Department of Marketing and Tourism Management |
dr hab. Piotr Rogala, prof. UEW | Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Branch in Jelenia Góra, Department of Quality and Environmental Management | 
dr hab. Grażyna Węgrzyn, prof. UEW | Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Branch in Jelenia Góra |

(c) ACC - The Academic Coordination Centre in Euroregion Nisa

The project was cofinanced from the ERDF via the Euroregion Nisa.
The Fund of microprojects within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes 2007-2013 Priority 3 (CR-Poland) in the Euroregion Nisa CZ.3.22/3.3.01/09.01212