17th International Conference of Young Scientists of the Academic Coordination Centre in the Euroregion Neisse
25th April 2024
Invitation / Pozvánka / Einladung / Zaproszenie
Program / Programm
1. Místo / 1. Platz / 1 miejsce /1st place:
Julia MAJEWSKA (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)
Thema: The New Space Economy – investment approach
Klaudia BOCZANOWSKA (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)
Thema: Fashion and the circular economy
2. Místo / 2. Platz / 2 miejsce / 2nd place:
Hana TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ (Technical University of Liberec)
Thema: Effective Training Strategies Across European Companies
Constantin SCHARF (Technical University of Dresden)
Thema: Complexity and Multinationality
3. Místo / 3. Platz / 3 miejsce / 3rd place:
Paulina GRACZYK (Wroclaw University of Economics and Business)
Thema: Multifaceted approach to defining culinary product
At a political picnic on the fairground on Saturday 27 April from 2 - 4:30 pm, you can ask politicians the questions that have been burning under your nails for a long time. In addition to Saxon politicians such as Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and Saxony's Minister for Europe Katja Meier, Saxon members of the European Parliament such as Anna Cavazzini and Dr Peter Jahr will also be taking part in the picnic. Have a coffee and a bite to eat with the politicians and ask them questions.
To make sure you get a place at one of the picnic tables, you can register in advance at this link to register in advance.